The reeling machine and technologies which are mostly used in Bangladesh are not suitable for quality and quantity raw silk production. So, it was urgent and time needed demand for the silk reeler to replace the existing reeling machine and reeling technology for quality and quantity raw silk production. For considering the above factors this experiment was implemented and improve modern reeling machine was fabricated at BSRTI. The raw silk produced by this machine was superior to raw silk produced by traditional multi end reeling machine respect to quality and quantity. This experiment was undertaken to improve quality of raw silk and to minimize the reeling cost through fabricating a modern reeling machine. This study was revealed that renditta, raw silk recovery %, reelability %, waste % in fabricated modern reeling machine (FMRM) were 9.83, 34.29%, 69.72%, and 21.87% respectively, whereas multi-end reeling machine (MERM) showed 11.24, 33.37%, 65.94% and 22.69% in the laboratory level. On the hand in the field level renditta, raw silk recovery %, reelability %, waste % were 10.33, 33.81%, 88.61% and 22.56% respectively for reeler-1 and 10.02, 33.79%, 67.93 % and 22.82% respectively for reeler-2. The result also showed that the raw silk reeling performance per 8 hours through FMRC was 5.01 kg and raw silk reeling performance per 8 hours of MERC was 3.90 kg in laboratory level from the green cocoon. It was also observed that the average size (d), size deviation, maximum size deviation, wending breaks, tenacity (g/d), elongation % and cohesion of reeled silk was 21.19, 1.94, 2.63, 7.00, 3.03, 18.08 and 44.0 respectively in FRMC and 21.99, 2.77, 8.25, 12.67, 2.82, 16.69 and 38.33 respectively in MERC. Where as in the field level the average size (d), size deviation, maximum size deviation, wending breaks, tenacity (g/d), elongation % and cohesion of reeled silk was recorded 21.45, 2.13, 2.64, 10.33, 3.00, 16.93 and 42.44 respectively for Reeler-1 and 21.44, 2.28, 2.61, 12.67, 2.89, 16.46 and 38.11 respectively for Reeler-2. Considering of the reeling performances and raw silk quality, the fabricated modern reeling machine was showed better performance compare to the multi end reeling machine.