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Journal of Science and Engineering Papers


ISSN: 3006-3191 (Online)

ISSN: 3079-8175 (Print)

Science and Engineering for the Comprehensive Futures                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Call for Article

Author Guideline

Important file download

Here you will find 3 files. One is the Reviewer Comment Sheet, Article template file, and endnote Reference style file. You can download them to get a direction before submitting any article to JOSEP.

Reviewer Comment Sheet

Article Template File

EndNote Ref. style file

Author Guideline

Manuscript Submission Requirements Checklist
  • Scope: Original knowledge in all branches of chemistry and analytical chemistry
  • Cover Letter: include the full manuscript title, the name and complete contact information of the corresponding author, the name(s) of any other author(s), a statement of why the paper is appropriate for Journal of Science and Engineering Papers, a description of any Supporting Information for Publication and/or for Review Only Material, 4 or more individuals competent to review the manuscript, and any related or prior work that should be disclosed to the Editor in advance
  • Abstract: describe briefly and clearly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and the major conclusions within 250 words
  • Safety: declare any unexpected, new, and/or significant hazards or risks associated with the reported work, to be included in the Experimental Section of the full article and included in the main text of a letter
  • References: provide in the appropriate format: for example, Gupta, V. K., Kumar, R., Nayak, A.,  Saleh, T. A., and Barakat, M. A., (2013). Adsorptive removal of dyes from aqueous solution onto carbon nanotubes: A review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 193: 24-34.
  • Graphics: attention to readability: check font size and minimize inset figures
  • Paper lengths: Article =8 pages, Short communication =3-5 pages, and Review= 12 pages. In exceptional cases, justification for longer manuscripts will be considered. It is not acceptable to place important details of the experiments in the Supporting Information (SI) in order to circumvent these length guidelines.
  • Administrative considerations: Outside of a preprint server, your paper must not be considered or published elsewhere, and information on whether the paper has been previously considered or posted elsewhere must be provided; manuscripts will be screened with plagiarism software; consider whether you agree to manuscript transfer; do not forget to list funding sources and your ORCID iD.
  • Correspondence to the Editor-in-Chief should be addressed to:

  • Dr. Md. Anwarul Karim, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Science and Engineering Papers, Department of Applied Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205
Manuscript Types
  • Articles: The maximum length of Articles is eight journal pages. Rarely, a longer submission may be justified. If so, the authors must make a convincing justification for the extra length in their cover letter. The Editor will usually require condensation of longer papers but will consider the justification details provided by the authors.
  • Short Communication: A short communication is a short description of a novel apparatus or technique. Authors must show ingenuity in describing the advantages of the new apparatus or technique over those already available. Short communications are three to five pages in length.

  • Reviews: Reviews are invited, and details will be provided to authors when the invitation is accepted. Manuscript length refers to the final production length, including all text, figures, tables, and references (the TOC Graphic is the only component that is not considered in the length calculation). To estimate length, assume 1000 words/page. If using Microsoft Word, use the word count tool to highlight all text elements, including citations, to get the total word count. Size all tables and figures at their final production size. The effective length of figures and tables can be approximated by counting single-column figures as 250 words and double-column as 500 words (assuming that when sized at the final production size, they are ¼ and ½ page, respectively).

  • Single-column graphics (preferred): Maximum width is 240 points (3.33 in). Measure the height of the graphic (points or inches), divide by 1320 points (18 in), and multiply by 1000 for the word equivalent. Example (in inches) for a single-column figure measuring 4.5 in. high: 4.5/18 = 0.25 × 1000 = 250 words.
  • Double-column graphics: Size can range between 300 and a maximum of 504 points (4.17 to 7 in) wide. Measure the height of the graphic (points or inches), divide by 660 points (or 9 in), and multiply by 1000 for the word equivalent. Example (in inches) for a double-column figure measuring 4.5 in. high: 4.5/9 = 0.5 × 1000 = 500 words.
  • If you submit tables/figures in landscape orientation greater than 3.3 in wide (and thus cannot be presented in a single-column, portrait orientation), an entire page of text (or 1000 words) will be displaced in order to accommodate the landscape presentation. More details and examples on calculating the length of a figure are available. Another option to ensure your manuscript meets the length guidelines is using the available electronic templates.
  • If a submission exceeds the length guidelines, it will be returned to the authors to be shortened or modified to fit another manuscript category. Although it may be appropriate to include some experimental details in the Supporting Information, it is not acceptable to place important details of the experiments there to circumvent the length guidelines.
Manuscript Preparation
  • Submit with Fast Format

    Manuscripts submitted for initial consideration must adhere to these standards:

    • Submissions must be complete with clearly identified standard sections used to report original research, free of annotations or highlights, and include all numbered and labelled
    • Figures, charts, tables, schemes, and equations should be embedded in the text at the point of relevance. Separate graphics can be supplied later at revision, if necessary.
    • When required by a journal’s structure or length limitations, manuscript templates should be
    • References can be provided in mentioned style, but they must be complete, including titles
    • Supporting Information must be submitted as a separate file(s).

Cover Letter

 A cover letter must accompany every manuscript submission. During the submission process, you may type it or paste it into the submission system, or you may attach it as a file.

A letter should contain the following elements:

  • the full manuscript title;
  • the name of the corresponding author and that person’s complete contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, and email);
  • the name(s) of any other author(s);
  • a statement of why the paper is appropriate for JoSEP;
  • a description of any Supporting Information for Publication and/or for Review Only Material;
  • four to six individuals competent to review the manuscript with their contact information (affiliation, and email); and
  • any related or prior work that should be disclosed to the Editor in

Additionally, authors should note any length issues, whether the manuscript was discussed with an Editor before submission, and other issues important for the review process.

Authors are required to suggest four or more potential reviewers, including email addresses. Suggested reviewers may not be at the same institutes as any of the manuscript authors and will be used at the discretion of the Editors. Ideally, several reviewer suggestions should be from different continents. An author may request that a certain person not be used as a reviewer. The request will generally be honored, unless the Editor feels that this individual’s opinion, in conjunction with the opinions of other reviewers, is vital to the evaluation of the manuscript.

Manuscript Text Components

Title: Use specific and informative titles with high keyword content. Avoid acronyms and subtitles. Either the title or the abstract must contain the name(s) of the central measurement methodology (or methodologies) used in the paper.

Authorship: Give the authors’ full names, the complete mailing address of the place where the work was done, and the current addresses of the authors, if different, as a footnote. Indicate the corresponding author by an asterisk and provide an e-mail address for that person.

Abstract: Abstracts (120–250 words) are required for Articles, Short Communications, Reviews and should describe briefly and clearly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and the major conclusions. Remember that the abstract will be the most widely read portion of the paper and will be used by abstracting services.

Text: Consult the publication for the general writing style. Write for the specialist (except for Tutorials, which should be written for the scientific generalist). It is not necessary to include information and details or techniques that should be common knowledge to those in the field.

Section Headings: Informative section headings and subheadings are encouraged. Sections must be numbered. Keep all information pertinent to a particular section and avoid repetition.

Introduction: The Introduction should state the purpose of the investigation and must include appropriate citations of relevant, precedent work but should not include an extensive review of marginally related literature. If the manuscript describes a new method, indicate why it is preferable to older methods. If the manuscript describes an improved analysis of a substance, the competing methods must be referenced and compared. The absence of appropriate literature references can be grounds for rejection of the paper.

Experimental Section: Use complete sentences (i.e., do not use outline form). Be consistent in voice and tense. For apparatus, list only devices of a specialized nature. List and describe the preparation of special reagents only. Do not list those normally found in the laboratory and preparations described in standard handbooks and texts. Because procedures are intended as instructions to permit work to be repeated by others, give adequate details of critical steps. While it is acceptable to report some of the detailed procedures as supporting information, important and unique experimental procedures must remain in the main manuscript.

Published procedures should be cited but not described, except where the presentation involves substantial modifications. While an experimental section is required to be in the main article and should provide sufficient detail to understand the experiments, detailed procedures may be presented in the Supporting Information.

For research that uses animals or involves human subjects, approvals from the appropriate institutional committees (i.e., the Committee on Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Institutional Review Board, etc.) must be documented in the Experimental Section, and the requirements found within must be followed.

Results and Discussion: The results may be presented in tables or figures; however, many simple findings can be presented directly in the text with no need for tables or figures. The discussion should be concise and deal with the interpretation of the results.

References: References in the final published article to notes/comments and to the permanent literature should be numbered in one consecutive series by order of mention in the text with each reference individually numbered. Reference numbers in the text must be normal text size with a third bracket (e.g. [1], [1-5]). The accuracy and completeness of the references are the authors’ responsibility. Use Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index for journal names ( and provide article title, publication year, volume, and page number (inclusive pagination is recommended). Chemical Abstracts reference information for foreign publications that are not readily available should also be supplied.

List submitted articles as “in press” only if formally accepted for publication and give the article

title, volume number, and year, if known. Otherwise, use “unpublished work” with the name of the place where the work was done and the date. Include name, affiliation, and date for “personal communications”. For work published online (ASAP, in press), the DOI should be furnished in addition to the standard bibliographic information.

Examples of the reference format:

  1. Biswas, R. K., and Habib, M. A., (1998). Extraction equilibrium study of Ti(IV) by Cyanex 923. Purification Technology, 10: 415–420.
  2. Shahriar, S. M. S., Islam, M. J., Hanif, M. A., and Salam, S. M. A., (2022). Level of Chromium and Zinc in Groundwater and Cows’ Raw Milk in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods, 10(2): 2153- 2158.
  3. Bard, A. J., and Faulker, L. R., (2001). Electrochemical Methods, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York.
  4. Francesconi, K. A., and Kuehnelt, (2002). In Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic. Frankenberger, W. T., Jr., Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 51–94.
  5. Pratt, D. A., and van der Donk, W. A., (2004). Theoretical Investigations into the Intermediacy of Chlorinated Vinylcobalamins in the Reductive Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Ethylenes. Journal of American Chemical Society, DOI: 10.1021/ja047915o.

Acknowledgements: Authors may acknowledge technical assistance, gifts, the source of special materials, financial support, meeting presentation information, and the auspices under which work was done, including permission to publish. 

If the article is dedicated to another scholar, a brief statement, such as “This article is dedicated to [name]”, can be included.

Statements about author contributions to the work or equal contributions of work should be included as a separate statement.

Bank Account Info

A/C No: 4627601002177 
Bank Name: Sonali Bank Ltd.
Branch: Rajshahi University Campus
Bank Code: 46276
Account Name: Journal of Science and Engineering Papers
Swift code: 200810179

Article Processing Charge (APC)

It is hereby notified that a nominal publication charge, exclusive of Reprints, is applicable towards defraying the partial cost of journal printing. The rate per page of the accepted paper shall be charged accordingly.

  • 400 BDT/page (Bangladesh)
  • 8 $ (USD)/page (SAARC Country)
  • 12.5 $ (USD)/page (all other Countries)

Journal Metrics

Acceptance rate


Submission to final decision


Acceptance to publication




Journal Citation Indicator


Impact Score


