Aim and Scope
The journal is dedicated to publishing and disseminating original research articles, Reviews, and short communication in the chemistry field, establishing a communication platform between engineers and scientists.
Journal of Science and Engineering Papers (JOSEP) is a peer-reviewed research journal devoted to disseminating new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical chemistry, and corrosion engineering. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science without directly studying existing analytical methodology as long as the topic relates to an important chemical parameter.
Articles may be theoretical, or they may report experimental results. They may participate in sampling, measurements, and data analysis, among other phases of analytical procedures. The articles should cover a range of disciplines such as Corrosion, bioanalytical chemistry, bioengineering, chemical analysis, environmental science, chemical engineering and pharmaceutical chemistry Topics commonly include.

Topics Commonly Include
Papers discussing well-established analytical techniques must present a significantly enhanced, unique use of the technique.
Letters, technical notes, and articles are all examples of research manuscripts. Letters, Technical Notes, and Articles may be up to four, five, and eight journal pages in length, respectively. In addition, the journal publishes Reviews. Perspectives discuss the authors’ vision for a new direction in analytical chemistry, analyze the research reports that underpin it, and explore opportunities. We welcome reviews that showcase the latest breakthroughs in a particular area of measurement science. We’re excited to hear about the advancements and discoveries made in this field. Share your insights with us. For further details about the journal, manuscript types, and determining paper length, kindly refer to our author guidelines.