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Journal of Science and Engineering Papers


ISSN: 3006-3191 (Online)

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Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus

Volume: 1
Issue: 02
Views: 892
Original Research Article
Agricultural and food science
Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
1Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
2BCSIR, Rajshahi Laboratory, Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Rajshahi-6206, Bangladesh.
3DGMS, Dhaka Cantonment, Bangladesh Army. Bangladesh.
4Chest Disease Clinic, Khulna, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh.
Year: 2024
Page: 90-95

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As Bangladesh is enriched with fish resources of fresh water, few studies have been conducted to reveal the nutritional value of fish oils. In our present work, we aimed to study the composition of extracted lipids from Colisa fasciatus to explore the medicinal value of this fish which can be used as a precursor for nutraceuticals also. We extracted the lipid from the fish by solvent extraction by chloroform and methanol. The qualitative parameters like acid value, peroxide value, saponification value and iodine value were calculated by chemical reaction methods. GCMS analysis was carried out to explore the composition of the extracted lipid. The antioxidant activity of the extracted lipid was carried out by DPPH radical scavenging and Iron reducing study. Thrombolytic activity of the sample was studied by weight difference method. Among 20 constituents hexadecanoic acid (42.80780%) was present in the highest concentration. The other remarkable components are Methyl tetradecanoate, pentadecanoic acid, heptadecanoic acid and 9-Octadecanoic acid. Compared to butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) as standard, our extracted fish lipid showed 27.9% removal of DPPH. The thrombolytic property showed 7.07 % lysis of blood clots. The fatty acid composition of the extracted lipid supports physiological properties like antiaging and thrombolysis which can make a way to find a new array to use this fish lipid as a new nutritional supplement.
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How to Cite

Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
I.H. 2024. Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus. Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
August 18, 2024.
  Doi: 10.62275/josep.24.1000013.
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus.
  journal 2024, 18.
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
I.H. 2024. Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus. .Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
18 (1).
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
I.H. Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus. Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
2024." Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus." Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
18 (1).
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
I.H. 2024. " Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus." Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
18 (1).
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
, "Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus". .Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
  journal Aug, 2024.
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
"Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus." Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
Aug, 2024.
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
"Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus." Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
(Aug 18, 2024).
Md Tamzid Hossain Molla1, Shajid Hasan1, Mahci Al Bashera2, Bipasha Kabir3 and Ahmed Tareq Shams Chowdhury4
Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Thrombolytic Activity Analysis of Extracted Lipid from Colisa fasciatus. Journal of Science and Engineering Papers . 
  journal [ Internet ] 18 Aug, 2024.
  [ Cited 18 Aug, 2024 ]
18 (1).


Colisa fasciatus, GCMS analysis, Antioxidant, Thrombolytic activity, Lipid

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